The European Union
The European Union (EU) is an economic and political partnership, one of its kind, of witch the 28 member states cover most of the continent ( ).
European construction was born on the ruin of the World War II with the aim of promoting, first of all, economic cooperation between the member states, starting from the principle that trade create an interdepence that reduces the risks of conflicts. In 1958, European Economic Community (CEE) was created. It strengthened economic cooperation between six countries: Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Since then, a large single market has been created, which continues to develop to fully realize its potential. Subsequently, the EEC has also become active in other areas ranging from development aid to environmental policy; To reflect this change in 1993, the EEC name was replaced by the European Union (EU) name.
The EU is based on rule of law: all its powers lie on European treaties, voluntarily and democratically signed by member states. These binding agreements also set the EU’s objectives in its many areas of activity.
The EU has contributed to increase the standard of living and introduced a single european currency, the euro. Thanks to the abolition of borders controls between memebers countris, people can now move freely across most of the continent. It has also become much easier to live and work in another EU country. Tje single market or internal market, which permits the free movement of goods, services, capital and people, is the main economic engine of the EU. One of its foundamental goals is to develope this immense resource to enable european citizens to fully benefit from it.
Trafficking in human beings, whether for sexual exploitation or for work reasons, is a violation of fundamental human rights. Given that it particularly affects vulnerable groups such as women and children, the European Union has defined its action on objectives that aim to protect these groups and to prevent and to combat the phenomenon, in particular by strengthening cooperation and coordination between police authorities and judicial authorities of the Member States. In addition, the EU introduced a framework of common provisions to address certain issues such as prosecution and sanctions against traffickers or aggravating circumstances in cases of trafficking in human beings. Its action, which also aims to protect victims of trafficking, is based on instruments that set objectives and priorities but also integrates into a wider framework for the protection of victims from violence, sexual tourism and child pornography.
One of the last documents on the subject of the Trafficking in Human Beings is the publication in 2013 of “The Rights of Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings in UE” which has the purpose of informing victims, operators and Member States on the rights of which they enjoy victims under EU legislation. It does not constitute in any way a binding interpretation of this legislation. All rights must be interpreted in the context of the full legal provision and relevant legislation. ( ).